Linux Basics

Linux Basics

Week 1 Learning !

Hi Folks!

We'll cover Linux roadmap from Scratch to advance. in two part. It will help you to enhance your knowledge. In this we will learn about Basic Linux


What is Linux - Linux is a Operating System similar to windows it also manages the resource of a computer and provides a plateform to the softwareapplications to run .

Below is the linux architecture :

Introduction to Linux Operating System - GeeksforGeeks

Kernel- in simple language Kernel works as a heart of linux which connects and hardware and application .

Shell - Its a kind of doorway which provide interaction between user and kernel,It takes commands from the user and executes the kernel’s functions.

Here, Below I will be explaining on my words what each commands does.

⏩ls- Lists all the files in present directory

⏩clear - It clears your screen and make it blank.

⏩pwd \= t will tell you present directory in which you are present right now .

⏩cd .. = it will go to one directory back .

Above we were in /home/aniketsingh and after executing cd .. it went to one dir back that is /home.

⏩cd - = It will send you to last present directory

⏩mkdir - it will create a new directory

Here a new directory(folder ) is created with name blog

mkdir -p - it will create nested directory

In above pic , nested directory(dir under dir.) is created.

mkdir {1..10}- It will create 10 directory at a time from number 1 to 10

⏩rmdir- it will remove empty directory

Above I created a file inside blog directory due to which rmdir is not able to delete the file.

⏩rm - It will delete the directory or file

In rmdir it was not deleted but using rm -r(recursive) the blog folder got deleted instead of having file inside it .

Below are the options we used with commands for specific task


Show all (including hidden)


Recursive list


Reverse order


Sort by last modified


Sort by file size


Long listing format


One file per line

⏩touch - It will make a empty file

here a new file with first.txt got created

⏩hostname- it shows server name (Ip addreess) which you are connected

⏩whoami- It will show you your username by which you are active

⏩cal- It will display calendar (If not working do ... Sudo apt install ncal )

⏩date - it shows date and time

⏩uname -It will display kernel Name

⏩jobs - It shows running jobs

⏩ps - it will show the process status with process ID

⏩history - It shows the history of last executed commands

⏩cat - It will display the content of a file

⏩cp - It copies file from one path to another , or in same path it will create one more with different name and same content.

⏩mv - It moves the file or dir to different path or in same path by changing the name

gzip - It will zip or compress the file

Here it zipped the file and add a extension .gz, for viewing the content of zippped file we need to use zcat .

gunzip- It will unzip the file

man - it will show you the manual of any command

syntax - man command name

Kill - It is used to kill any running process with the help of PID(process ID)